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Friday 17 January 2014


As I write this I am doing one of the things I am most addicted to at the moment.....painting my nails.Yes I have gone back to a love I had many years ago of collecting nail polish.I of course as you do got rid of all of my collection more or less and decided I wasn't bothered anymore.Now a few years on I am bothered again lol !!!! So the collecting has started once more but where does it stop ? I watch many a youtube video on peoples marvellous collections of at least upwards of 300 bottles and oooh and aaahhhh at the prettiness of it all.I started to give them a run for there money by buying every polish recently that I NEED to have.I have filled a drawer with roughly 85 bottles of coloured polish and various top coats,stickers etc...I have also swatched them all and came up with a great way to store my swatches and see all that I have easily.(I have a video on this on my youtube channel if you are interested) I have all the bottles labelled on the tops so I can get to them easily and in colour groupings too.I was all set to move them into a larger drawer in the dresser and to carry on expanding but I thought NO STOP.I have more than I need (Even though I don't want to admit it really) Also for those of you who have watched my organising and living in small spaces videos you will know that we live in a relatively small house so drawer space is at a premium.And another thing that you probably wouldn't think of is that they weigh a bloomin ton too.When I took the drawer full of them out I was surprised just how much.If I was to carry on the way I was going the poor dresser would have collapsed what with our other things in it too! Seriously though there has to come a point to stop and I think I have hit mine.It may be at a low number to some but to me it's just about right as I love my little collection just the way it is.I now get to the point of this post which is wishing. Stopping collecting allows me to start a wish list.....yay ! Now these polishes can be various prices from £1 and upwards as it's not about the price.The idea is that I have to finish a polish,give one away as I will never wear it or one has to have dried up and be thrown away to allow me to have a polish I want from the wish list.This way my polish gets loved and used up more.

The list is as of January 2014 : Barry M-Racing Green
                                                  Models Own-Indian Ocean
                                                  Opi-Holiday Glow
                                                  Essie-Borrowed and Blue
                                                  Sinful Colours-Ruby Ruby

                                     (Some pictured below where I could find stock photos)

There however is a twist to the list ! Some of these polishes that I see in videos or blogs etc.... and find themselves on the list might be difficult to get hold of and could be a challenge to get,especially as I don't pay full price for higher end polishes.So they may forever be a dream............

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